Common Kin Bakery

Common Kin Bakery is a home-based bakery in Raleigh, North Carolina making quality pastries with sustainable ingredients from local farms. Common Kin is committed to reviving the art of pastry-making, and is focused on developing connections between their customers, the food they eat, and the farmers that grow it.

Previously known as Blue Bird Cupcakes, we worked with owners, Cindy and Josh, to rename their business as they began to shift towards a more mature menu and continue to expand their offerings. As a two person operation, we set out to develop a brand that reflects humble beginnings and a commitment to locally sourcing ingredients. Common Kin is less about consumer goods and more about kindling human connections—the menu is the medium for community.

Informed by late 19th century union trademarks, we developed two simple labels to indicate that all of their products are made in small batches, from scratch, and by hand with locally sourced ingredients.